Children’s Ministry

We cultivate a vibrant environment for young hearts to grow in faith and community. Through engaging activities and nurturing guidance, we empower children to explore their spirituality and build meaningful connections with each other and with God.

Growing in Faith

Jesus is the cornerstone of our Christian Faith. Christian Education provides an in-depth study of the Bible and other relevant topics to foster our growth in faith and love towards one another. Sunday School classes are available for all ages each week from 9:45-10:45 a.m.

Biblically based lessons are age-appropriate, interactive, and thought provoking. You are always welcome and encouraged to ask questions and share what the Lord puts in your heart.

boy playing chevrolet camaro toy on floor
boy playing chevrolet camaro toy on floor


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (PoPLC) values ministry to families with children. Our goal is to provide a clean, inviting, and safe nursery with friendly, nurturing, and positive caregivers. Caregivers shall have a professional demeanor and the ability to engage in a loving manner with parents and their children. Parents should be comfortable and confident that their children are in good hands in the Nursery.

Sunday School

Pre-Kindergarten to 5th grade children build foundational knowledge of Bible stories and Christian doctrine in our Sunday School program.  Lessons begin with music and singing every Sunday, with annual celebrations of Easter Sunday, Rally Day in September, and Christmas.
boy playing chevrolet camaro toy on floor


The Lutheran Church practices “Infant Baptism.” As soon as possible, our children are baptized into the One Holy Christian Church. At that moment the Holy Spirit gifts them with saving faith in Jesus Christ, even as tiny infants. Following the Sacrament of Baptism, children grow in (and into) their faith through parental teaching, Sunday School, Christian Day School, Vacation Bible School and other means. As they begin to mature, the church provides a systematic study of both Scripture and Christian Doctrine through which their beliefs are formed, shaped and put into practice.

Our Confirmation program, designed for middle school youth, is (normally) a 3 year Sunday morning program. One year the focus will be on an overview of Scripture. Two years will focus more on the 6 Chief Parts of Lutheran theology as laid out for us in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. These are: Baptism, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Supper, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Office of the Keys and Confession.

As our youth move through this program, two important milestones in their journey of faith are reached. First is participation in the Lord’s Supper. This happens after a thorough study of the Sacrament of Holy Communion is successfully completed. At this point, which may vary by the year in which a child enters the program, is welcomed to participate in receiving the Body and Blood of Christ.

The second milestone is their actual “Confirmation,” which comes at the completion of the program. At this point, usually at the end of eighth grade, our young people publicly “CONFIRM” the faith into which God called them at baptism. This is a significant and very important “Rite of Passage” into the life of the church, but it does not mark the end of any Christian’s learning of the faith. That should always be a life-long spiritual practice.

Currently our Confirmation program is taught by the Rev. Mark Nieting, a retired LCMS pastor and member of Prince of Peace. They meet on Sundays between services.
Parents are also welcome to participate in the classes, and some actually do! The program is overseen by our Pastor and the Board of Elders.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a Christ centered fun-filled week held annually for a minimal fee. We celebrate each day together by opening and closing with praise, prayer, and music. Children aged three to twelve are divided into groups and rotate through stations such as Bible Story Time, Arts and Crafts, Games, Science, and Snacks. Each station is designed to teach God’s word in a memorable and hands-on way. Teens may assist at a station or be an assistant group leader. Adults may be group leaders or run a station. Children are always excited at VBS and ready to share what they learn!

About Us


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Service Times

8:30am: Traditional LCMS Service
9:45am: Fellowship & Bible Study
11:00am: Contemporary Service


Sunday School

Sunday morning Bible study between services

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Explore opportunities for your child to grow in faith.


A place for 5th-12th graders to connect and grow.

Young Adults

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